export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano #Use nano as the default editor (not vi !) COMP_SCP_REMOTE=true #Enable tab-completion for scp on remote hosts. HISTIGNORE=l:ls:ll:la:cd:pwd #Don't clog up .bash_history with useless commands
alias nanw="nano -w" #Word wrap in nano alias sud="sudo su" #Become root (see /etc/sudoers) alias grep="grep --color=auto" #Turn on color in grep alias l.='ls -d .*' #Show ONLY hidden files. alias lx="ls -X" #ls, sort by extension alias duh="du -h --max-depth=1" #Total size of this directory alias x11vnc0="x11vnc -display :0" #Run x11vnc on the existing X display #Konsole tab-name for database session (timpani). alias timpani='echo -ne "\033]30;DB_timpani \a\033]0;\a"; psql -U timpani' #Set up a helpful session name in Konsole, making the tabs much more useful. Include username@hostname for remote logins (where $DISPLAY != :0). #The first part: \[\e]30;XXXX\a\] sets the session name to XXXX #The second part: \[\e]0;\a\] sets the window title to "" (to which the session name is then appended anyway) if test "$DISPLAY"; then if [ "$DISPLAY" == ":0" -o "$DISPLAY" == ":0.0" ];then export PS1=$PS1"\[\e]30;\W/ \a\]\[\e]0;\a\]" else export PS1=$PS1"\[\e]30;\u@\h:\W/ \a\]\[\e]0;\a\]" fi fi